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Rules, Restrictions,& Requirements

  • None of our vehicles may be driven OFF Road, they are street legal and must be kept on paved roads.
  • Drivers Must be 21
  • Must have a valid drivers license
  • Must have own automobile insurance
  • Only adult riders who have signed the Rental Agreement and Waiver of Liability (“Agreement”), are allowed to operate the rented Slingshot /ATV/UTV.
  • Do not operate any Slingshot /ATV/UTV or other vehicle in a reckless or dangerous manner.
  • Obey all posted signs.
  • Do not ride faster than posted speed limits.
  • Do not participate in any race or other contest involving Slingshot /ATVs/UTVs or other vehicles.
  • Do not tow other Slingshot /ATVs/UTVs or other vehicles and do not have them tow you and your rental
  • Slingshot /ATV/UTV or other rental vehicles. Call “Mountain View Adventures” .
  • No alcohol consumption before or during use and possession of rented Slingshot /ATV/UTV or other vehicle and equipment.
  • Be aware of other riders and vehicles.
  • Slow down when approaching a blind corner.
  • Do not park and leave vehicle or equipment unattended.
  • In case of a breakdown or emergency, call (828) 222-0922 and speak with “Josh Carpenter, owner of Mountain View Adventures”..
  • Additional rental time will be allocated for time lost due to a breakdown for the rider of the down vehicle only.
  • Vehicles are to be returned on time or additional fees will be charged.
  • There are no refunds for early returns. There are no refunds if it rains or due to inclement weather.
  • The vehicle will be provided with a full tank of gas at your arrival. Please return the vehicle with a full tank of gas or an additional fee will be applied.
  • No smoking.

Book an Unforgettable Ride With Us Today